Hur luktar Musk?
- Hur luktar Musk?
- Hur luktar Feromoner?
- What is white musk?
- Is whitewhite musk cruelty-free?
- What is the most dangerous musk?
- What is Musk used for in perfumery?
Hur luktar Musk?
Mysk är från början en animalisk produkt från myskhjorten. Idag utvinns mysk företrädesvis från växter, bland annat muskblomman som vi ser till vänster, eller framställs på kemisk väg. Mysk är en mycket vanlig ingrediens vid parfymtillverkning, vilket ger parfymen en söt, sensuell, pudrig doft av läder och trä.
Hur luktar Feromoner?
2. Hur påverkas kvinnor av feromonet? ... De fick lukta på tre olika ämnen, alla lika "påträngande och illaluktande", enligt kvinnorna. Det var feromonet androstadienon och ett annat ämne som också förekommer i manlig svett, androstenon.
What is white musk?
- White musk: the (little known) history of the most famous clean perfume White musk is one of the most well-known, appreciated and loved components in perfumery but also one of the most controversial.
Is whitewhite musk cruelty-free?
- White Musk is an old fragrance which was developed within the regulations that were current at the time, many years ago, combined with the ethical policies of The Body Shop to create the first cruelty-free musk based fragrance.
What is the most dangerous musk?
- The most serious issue is the solid white musk or what is called the musk cubes, which are mainly musk ketone with other chemical and synthetic materials. Many of those materials are considered poisonous and dangerous.
What is Musk used for in perfumery?
- Musk has always been used in perfumery for its intense, penetrating and very sensual smell, so much so that it was even believed to have aphrodisiac properties. Moreover, its molecular weight makes it more persistent, intense and long lasting.